Why grow from seed when the nursery provides beautiful little seedlings, all grown up and ready to plant?
It’s not for the convenience, because you’ll put in a bit more effort than buying pre-grown seedlings, but there are several reasons why germinating seeds and growing from scratch is incredibly rewarding and a good idea for the enthusiastic gardener.
Some reasons why growing from seed is a must-do for any green thumb:
Growing from seed can be done in several ways. Here’s a YouTube video with over 60 000 views that shows the difference between germinating your seeds with a paper towel or with dirt before planting:
1. PICK YOUR SEEDS If you’re doing this for the first time, choose some seeds that grow well and easily. Here are some nice beginner’s options:
2. FIND A SUNNY SPOT Plants need sunlight to grow, so find a sunny windowsill that gets a lot of light during the day.
3. FIND THE RIGHT CONTAINER It can be anything - but it needs to be two to three inches deep and have drainage holes. Some ideas include yogurt containers or paper cups, but your best bet is a seed tray. Not only is it easier to transplant the seedlings once they’re grown, they’re also literally designed to germinate seeds in and have the correct drainage and depth.
4. GET THE RIGHT SOIL Says Gardeners.com, “Choose potting soil that's made for growing seedlings. Do not use soil from your garden or re-use potting soil from your houseplants. Start with a fresh, sterile mix that will ensure healthy, disease-free seedlings.” Moisten the soil without making it sopping wet, and add some liquid fertilizer to add some nutrients into the mix.
5. PLANT THE SEEDS Depending on the package instructions, either sprinkle the seeds on the soil or dig a little deeper and bury them under the soil. It’s best to plant two seeds for each container, and snip the weaker of the two when they germinate. Keep the soil moist with a mister, but not too wet.
6. FEED THE SEED Keep the seeds moist, but not wet, and feed liquid fertilizer as specified by the packet instructions to make sure they have enough nutrients.
7. TOUGHEN THEM UP If you’re planting the seedlings outside, you’ll need to put them in protected spots where they can experience the wind and weather without getting damaged or harmed. After about a week, you can plant them.
Will you be trying your hand at germinating any seeds? Let us know which ones in the comments!
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