Having a living wall in your home, whether it’s an edible garden or just for decoration, can breathe life into your surroundings.

Image source: Baiti Homes
There are endless benefits to bringing biophilia into your indoor spaces. From stress relief to improving teamwork, you cannot go wrong with surrounding yourself with plants.
If you’re looking for a convenient way to bring the outdoors into your home, look no further. We’re in love with the natural beauty that can be achieved with green walls.
These stunning vertical gardens can be achieved in very small spaces, and depending on your set up, can easily move with you. Whether you rent a petite bachelor apartment or own your own home, there’s no reason why a vertical garden won’t fit in with your lifestyle.
Image source: Buzzfeed
Image source: Pintrest
A vertical salad garden in your kitchen is a great source of fresh, healthy greens whenever you need them. If you’re tired of throwing away half-used bags of lettuce that spoiled in the fridge, this is exactly what you need. With a vertical garden, you can easily control your harvest quantities and avoid waste - simply grab whatever you need off the plant.

Image source: Homey Design
A vertical herb garden is honestly a must have for every foodie.
Apart from freshness and convenience, growing your own herbs will give you a much wider variety of crops to choose from. A lot of the tastiest herbs are too delicate to survive the trip from farms into grocery stores - so only the hardiest of varieties are sold in retail. Growing your own herbs will give you access to the finest flavors to create mouthwatering dishes for your family.
Image source: Pinterest

You don’t have to plant a functional, edible garden - a splash of color for the sake of it can be just as fun. If you’re wanting to make a statement that compliments your decor, a vertical garden is a unique feature that’ll definitely turn heads. We just love how the red pops in this living wall.

Vertical gardens are the perfect way to grow plants indoors, you don’t even need to have a green thumb. Depending on your set up, your GrowUp Vertical Garden can even include automated irrigation - so you won’t have to worry about watering schedules or accidentally killing your plants.

Image source: Ashley Homes Ohio
Image source: Pintrest
A vertical garden can spice up your entertainment area by creating living art on your walls.

Image source: Pintrest
Image source: Fresh Design Pedia
If you’d like the added health benefit of clean, oxygen rich air, a green wall in your bedroom is the perfect solution. Plants can reduce noise and air pollution, lowering the levels of carbon dioxide in your home and decreasing your family’s stress levels.
Vertical gardens are functional, aesthetically pleasing and great for your family’s health and well being. They’re also hassle free to assemble and maintain. Planting a green wall is a fun family activity, that’ll have many unexpected added benefits.
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