Photo by Mr Cup_Fabien Barral on Unsplash
Landscaping goes beyond conventional garden servicing to provide clients with a high-end, professional service. As a landscaper, you have an established client base with multiple design offerings. Adding a living wall to your services is just what you need.
1. Staying on trend
Living walls are popular and on trend. From homeowners and restaurant owners, to corporations, everyone loves how they can soften a space, but still provide a big, lasting impression. “One of the reasons living walls are starting to become so popular is because, increasingly, horizontal space is at a premium,” explains Jim Mumford, president of Good Earth Plant Company in San Diego. It can be difficult to place large pot plants at home or in the office. Walls are usually left bare, so adding something beautiful and natural is a great idea to pitch to your clients.
2. Growing above your competitors
The landscaping market can be very competitive - everyone wants their office space or garden to stand out above the rest! Many landscaper’s offer hardscaping, such as adding fountains, walkways, or jacuzzis to a client’s space. But, being able to offer a cost effective, original solution, such as the GrowUp Living Wall, will be a win for you and your clientele.
Space often poses an issue when adding greenery into an environment like an office or restaurant. However, with a GrowUp living wall, this simply isn’t the case. The system is designed to be adapted to fit any area, however small or large. This allows you to provide a service your competition cannot, making you that much more appealing to clients.
3. Good for you, good for the environment
Living walls also require monthly maintenance, meaning introducing them to your existing clients will provide you with an amazing upsell opportunity.
There are enormous benefits to the client of incorporating biophilic design into their environment. See this link for more information on the benefits of plants in design.
Studies have shown that living walls also benefit people, by providing a more relaxing, therapeutic environment.
4. Professional quality
As a landscape professional, using our GrowUp living wall system ensures that your system is of a professional grade be it indoors, or outdoors. It’s not a “hack together” solution, but rather a sustainable solution.
You and your client will get immediate satisfaction by installing a GrowUp living wall. Compared to many other living wall providers, GrowUp is a more cost-effective, accessible solution.
It can be difficult to stand out from the crowd, and to provide something unique to your clients. Having a GrowUp living wall as a part of your offering will ensure that all your clients get a unique, beautifully designed, sustainable wall, each and every time.
Want to learn more about professional green wall installations? Contact us for a consultation session on everything you need to know about selling, as well as installing and maintaining a living wall.